Hi everyone,
I'd really appreciate some help here. My car's gone awry and it's going to be difficult to get to the garage until the end of next month
. Do these symptoms point to anything obvious? DIY fixable/diagnosable by someone with time & patience?
The Problem: There's a noise coming from my car when the clutch is depressed. Happens when vehicle is moving and trying to shift to second/third. It makes the sound for 1-2 seconds then disappears. Happens exclusively in the minutes following a very cold start, then vanishes entirely until it's left for another cold night. Doesn't happen in neutral. It's also difficult to engage 2nd until car has warmed up.
The Sound: Sounds like metal spinning and very lightly making contact with something. It's not a clunk, screech or whine.
The car: High mileage (140k+) Golf GTI MK5, non DSG.
Hugely appreciative of any input here